Welcome to our page for AIA CES learners!

Course: Specifying Retractable Seating 

Course Description

An detailed overview of the decisions and options involved when specifying retractable seating systems, primarily for performing arts venues.

The course is in the form of a fifity minute video, followed by a quiz.

No previous knowledge of retractable seating is required.

Credit Designation

1 LU 


You can take the course by following the links on this page. If you are in the USA, this course can also be delivered to you and your colleauges at your offices. Contact us to enquire!

Learning Objectives

Learning Objective 1:
How do I design a retractable seating system for maximum operational efficiency?

Learning Objective 2:
When specifying retractable seating, how can I make the most of the space available?

Learning Objective 3:
How do I determine whether a retractable system will be structurally sound, safe and reliable?

Learning Objective 4:
How can retractable seating systems work in performing arts environments?

Collecting Credits

When you submit the quiz, we'll get an email. If you have got eight out of ten or more correct, we'll log your 1 LU on the AIA CES dashboard, so it's added to your credits.

If you're an AIA Member, you won't need an attendance certificate, but if you would like one, please email marketing@audiencesystems.com



Click here to watch the video

Click here to access the quiz

Trouble accessing the quiz? Download the pdf version here and once complete, email it to marketing@audiencesystems.com for manual marking.

The primary point of contact for this course is Nina Parmenter, Marketing Manager at Audience Systems Ltd. Please contact Nina with any feedback, questions, or to report any issues with the course.